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Empowered Life

Extraordinary Relationships = Extraordinary Life!!

If you could feel alive and THRIVE every day, full of self-confidence and belief in yourself and your capabilities… wouldn’t you?

If you could have an amazingly connected, PASSIONATE and loving soul igniting relationship that has you singing from the rooftops… wouldn’t you?

If you could have your family home be peaceful and full of balanced, HAPPY and LOVING family members, all knowing deeply that they belong and have an irreplaceable place in the unit… wouldn’t you want that too?

I know I would, and I know it’s possible because I’ve turned my life around and built a life I truly love with rich, deep and loving relationships I am more than proud of.

Relax, you've come to the right place. Contact me today and you can have fulfilling relationships too.

About Empowered Life

The quality of your Life is determined by the quality of your Relationships

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Hey there, I’m Charlotte.

I am a Transformational Love Coach and the Founder of Empowered Life - Love and Relationship Coaching for people who want it all.

I stand for us finally putting ourselves and our wants and needs at the top of our ‘To-do’ lists. 

I stand for deep and transformative healing that goes way beyond mindset work.

I stand for blowing the lid off spirituality being kept a secret and hidden due to societal norms.

And above all, I stand for BIG LOVE and great relationships attainable for all willing to do the work.

I love working with singles or couples to deeply heal and let go of the past so they are finally free to LIVE & experience the LOVE they truly desire!

I guide my clients intuitively on a deep and transformative path to their emotional freedom and greatest relationships using positive psychology, deep inner child work, physical and energetic release techniques, masculine & feminine energetics and spiritual healing meditations and activations.

I am so passionate about what I do, and I love that I get to guide like-minded souls back to being the passionate, strong, sensual and empowered LOVE magnets they were born to be.

With over 12 years in the Coaching and Knowledge Industries as a Coach, Mentor and Course Creator, I am so passionate about helping people COME BACK TO LOVE in every sense of the word.

Are you ready to really figure out where your love life is going wrong, to finally be free of the past and get on the true path to your BEST relationships that feel easy, passionate, loving and deeply fulfilling beyond your wildest dreams?

Book a call, email Charlotte today! – 

Join my free group to become part of my soul tribe, finally putting themselves and their love lives first! – Click here to join

Can't wait to support you on your journey back to EPIC and life Amplifying LOVE!!



Your journey to EPIC LOVE, your best self, and greatest relationships starts here

L - Lean in, Listen & Learn the Lessons

O - Open your mind, Own your journey & Own your healing

V - be Vulnerable & Vanquish what’s holding you back

E - Embody your Empowered self & the best relationships you’ve ever known

To have a great life, we first need a great relationship with ourselves.

How YOU treat you is how others will treat you.

Learning to love, nurture and support yourself to heal your wounds will free you to be who you were BORN to be, and LOVE how you were meant to LOVE.

And call in that EPIC, sacred, BIG LOVE we desire from our core, and that we deserve.

Because we EXIST.

Book a call, email Charlotte today! –

Join my free group to become part of my soul tribe of women, finally putting themselves and their love lives first! – Click here to join

Online Tutoring

The L.O.V.E. Academy

A 16 week deep healing and self-discovery journey to release the shackles and unleash the passionate, sensual and empowered LOVE WARRIOR hiding inside.

This isn't like anything you've seen before.

I will take you on a journey to heal your past, release all that is holding you back, and finally teach you to be a beaming lighthouse magnetising your biggest, most EPIC LOVE to you.

Free Clarity Session

Get a free 20 minute Clarity Session to find out if this journey is for you!

Meditation by the Sea

Coaching Sessions

Individual sessions with Charlotte to start or continue your journey on an adhoc schedule that suits you

Personality Profiling

Understand the foundations of your personality. Learn how to play to your  strengths, plan around your weaknesses and how to reach your full potential by knowing yourself better, or profile your whole family!

Wandering Traveler

Inner Child patterning

We decode and identify the unhealthy patterns that your wounded child is running in your life today, and empower you to take back your power and move forward leaving the past in the past

‘Hi Charlotte, thank you so much for helping me discover my divine feminine energy during the session last week. I have always lived in the masculine energy, influenced by my dominant father figure, and my mom who agreed to everything my father said, leading me to believe that feminine energy represents weakness. You really opened my eyes about the differences and how I can embrace both energies and be completely balanced. I am now consciously taking actions that are more aligned to both feminine and masculine energies, as opposed to living in the wounded feminine energy.  I am so grateful for your wisdom and insights and all your effort to help shift and balance my energy. What I consider a bonus was your kindness, patience, and non-judgement. I felt safe to share my feelings and thoughts with you throughout the session. I’ll be recommending you to anyone I know. Thank you again.’


‘Charlotte is amazing with all the stuff involved in building healthy relationships by helping me understand where I come from. The process was so simple and easy to understand. It was like having multiple choices and picking the right one! I felt safe to go through the journey and discover my SELF!’


‘Working with Charlotte has been a life changing experience and I'm at a loss for words as to how much she has impacted my life, relationships, and career. Charlotte has helped me get my inner power back after giving that power to others for too much of my life, she has assisted me in getting my self-belief, confidence, clarity, and the right tools to be the best version of me. 
I’m so very happy I took the leap to make changes in my life to find the man that I was destined to be.
Prior to working with Charlotte, I had little self-belief or confidence, a people pleaser at the expense of my own wants/needs, up & down emotionally, always worried/stressed and felt like I had no idea who I was. 
Charlotte is trustworthy, always encouraging, supportive, and a patient and insightful guide through this universe and life experiences in pursuit of my goals and dreams. 
Any chance I get I tell anyone; “THIS IS WHAT A COACH SHOULD BE AND DO”, I always look forward to and enjoy our conversations and I would not be the man I am today without her.’


Start your journey to great relationships now. Contact Charlotte at Empowered Life today.

Hillarys, Perth WA, Australia


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